Plusle's illustrated journal sounds spiffy!

May 21, 2006 20:53

~Luffy from One Piece and Colette from Tales of Symphonia~

Today i felt like drawing some official charries ~o^_^o~ Chibis are like the perfect stress reliever, i think i'm getting better at drawing them too =3
Although... Colette's neck is bothering me. And i rushed the colouring on Luffy too T_T Waah.


I hate hate hate independent study! I'm so useless at it cause when i'm left to my own devices i either doodle all over my revision notes or i sneak off to the computer! Curses >< *shakes fist at self* I barely did anything worthwhile all weekend.

Also i just realised that two of my revision classes clash tommorow ^^; Aww damnit im gonna look so stupid walking in halfway through English.

Phooey. Phooey to the max.

But on a brighter note i bought the first volume of the One Piece manga today *drool* And it's like the perfect time for me to be obsessed cause both Goose and Panku are in the sock right now! Eep, i wuv you guys XD What would i do without you?
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