Lost 5.12

Apr 08, 2009 22:09

I just watched Eppur Si Muove. Again. Because Cherry almost has an accent, which really makes up for Stockard Channing being all disappointing. I'm shipping Toby/Barbara Layton just a little bit.

I finished my shitty paper last night, against all odds, so I figured I deserved an episode of something fabulous. Lost is the most exciting and least distracting, so I decided to go with that.
  1. CHARLES WIDMOOORE. Holy fucking crap.
  2. Ben, you crazy psycho bitch. He sounds all crazy! I love it.
  3. And the rest of us call it Smokey.
  4. LMAO BEN. "I killed him? Really, because he looks fine to me." STOP TALKING YOU CRAZY ASSHOLE.
  5. Oh shit, he's mixing things up for reals. I bet Locke orchestrated this entire thing behind the scenes. Or something else of a plot twisty nature.
  6. IT'S ETHAN. Awwww.
  7. "Dont! Don't...do it..." I LOVE HOW HE SAID THAT.
  8. Awww Ben and the picture.
  9. Geeky glasses!
  10. "I assume you're referring to the fact that I killed you."
  11. "I was just hoping for an apology." Oh my god, Ben/Locke forever.
  12. OH FUCK.
  14. "Consider that my apology." I. LOVE. THIS SHOW.
  15. They're pretty much just bitching at each other; it's like a sitcom or something.
  16. Oh shit, so the whole Rousseau thing was just a fucking misunderstanding. Poor Ben.
  17. lmfao at Locke waving.
  18. "Right, Ben?" "Yes, John, that's right."
  19. "Now you know what it feels like to be me." Oh shit, Ben/Locke parallelism! I love ittttt.
  20. Oh god, he did do it.
  22. Oh my god, he shot Desmondddd.
  23. I LOVE YOU, DESMOND. HOLY CRAP WHY ARE YOU AMAZING. YOU BADASS MOTHERFUCKER. God, seriously, I just love Desmond so intensely. What is his deal? Why is he allowed to be so freaking awesome?
  24. Um, ew, that was...gratuitious water bleeding right there.
  25. He's just like...a good actor. I love it.
  26. Oh shit, this is creepyyyy. This whole Smokey temple thing. I fear it.
  27. The score music here is kind of beautiful. A little too Alias for my liking, but awesomely powerful.
  28. Holy shit, that is intenseeeee.
  29. Oh my god, can you imagine how he feels right now? His life is just like...flashing in front of his eyes.
  30. I wonder if maybe this wasn't about being judged so much as reflecting on it all.
  31. Oh my godddd.
  32. Fuck, Locke is such a good guy. I enjoy the possibility of Ben not constantly screwing with him for once.

stockard channing, west wing, cherry jones, michael emerson, lost

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