Vampire Bob/Lady Macbeth/life things

Apr 06, 2009 22:57

  1. So averita is my hero. I was having a supremely shitty night the other day and she randomly sent me like 10 ridiculous pictures of Bob Gunton. She is just...fueling the greatest fire ever. Like, one was his signature (which proves that he's a lady), and after that he was in a weird bathrobe, and then he was a train conductor, and there was one where Cherry was almost touching her boob, and then finally there was one where he was making a sex-appropriate face (he may have been sleeping but we just. don't. think that way.) that I just really enjoyed in so many terrible ways. I think I can safely say that I am only cheered up by really fucking random, insane things. I tried to watch some 24 to cheer myself up and it wouldn't work. Probably because Cherry was crying in most of the scenes. BUT STILL.

    I would share them here but A) I'm too lazy and B) I fear they're not appropriate for the human world. Vampires only, guys. Save yourselves. It's too late for me.
  2. I'm also working on a list called "10 Reasons Bob Gunton Is Clearly A Vampire" and the only things I've come up with are his scandalous bathrobe fashion statements, his accent in Patch Adams, and the fact that he makes the president touch her boob. Oh, btw, this list isn't supposed to make sense. Yeah. I'm also trying to come up with a good Vampire Bob sketch. Vampire Bob Buys Girl Scout Cookies? No? I'm thinking it could turn into an econ lesson about how they're totally overpriced, and he gets really into it and tries to teach the Girl Scouts about price inflation. He would. Am I right? Anyone? Bueller?
  3. Speaking of Cranberry, I've become kind of obsessed with that Lady Macbeth reading she did that one time and the lack of contact between her and Macbeth. I was wondering what it would be like if someone showed her that future in advance and she learned that she would never have physical contact with her husband again and that they would both slowly spiral into insanity. It's kind of a story idea? I don't know. Whatever, I just want to hear some Shakespeare. I'm just really into his dialogue right now. Usually I'm more of a Sorkin girl, but sometimes modern writing is a little too much for me to deal with.
  4. Holy crap, fourrrr weeks. When did that even happen? I'm so psyched. I don't even have English class next week besides one individual conference for 5 minutes on Monday, and then there's the Patriot's Day holiday, so that means I only have 8 English classes left, 8 Civ classes left, and 10 of every other class (ugh). I think that's pretty awesome. Because I was freaking out about six weeks and I don't even remember those ones happening.
  5. So um, at work today I rang up my Sunday School teacher from 2nd grade. Memory lane times! I was totally obsessed with her back in the day. She remembered me the second I told her my name (obviously my childhood self is more memorable than present day Kelsey) and said I totally made her year (by clinging to her 24/7?), so I guess that's a pretty fair trade. Generally I get suspicious when people say nice things to me, but I think the fact that she remembered me and my excessive hugging points to...something. So, yeah. Then she left and I cried a little bit, lmao. I love reminiscing about my childhood. I was so innocent, so...not dysfunctional. And I had no shame. I was always hugging people and smiling like there wasn't a thing wrong in the world. I was awesome, clearly.

work, college, bob gunton, cherry jones, 24

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