The Vampire Bob Adventures

Apr 03, 2009 11:49

I might be a little out of it, because I have the sudden urge to share Vampire Bob with all of you. So let me explain how Vampire Bob came to be.

I was talking to averita about Bob Gunton (hey look, it's his real nameeee) being awesome or something, and she said she was picturing him wearing a cape like Darth Vader--I totally forget the conversation so I pretty much think she's crazy right now, but it's all good.

Anyway, somehow I went from cape to fangs, and then it just turned into a thing. So I made a list of Vampire Bob ideas (it could be a sketch or a cartoon or something; I don't even know) during my lunch.

Essential details from Vampire Bob's life
  1. "Just an average guy."
  2. Quotes Bible incessantly, much to the chagrin of his fellow vampire friends. (This comes from an interview I found with him where he said he wanted to be a priest or something...I find it oddly attractive? Worst atheist ever, clearly.)
  3. "Vampire veteran." (I also find his whole Vietnam thing oddly attractive. Worst pacifist ever? It's okay, my lesbian membership card has already been suspended because of him.)
  4. Very philosophical - Social Darwinism = vampirism. He feels an obligation to thin out the herd and considers it a privatized execution of public policy.
  5. Reagan Republican.
  6. Morning in America - he's afraid of daylight.
  7. Tries a career making campaign ads, maybe doing voice-overs for them. (God, sexiest voice-overs ever, am I right?)
  8. Tried to make it in corporate advertising, but his ads lacked creativity and panache - this resulted in three months during which he consistently drank himself to sleep with the TV permanently tuned to TVLand.
  9. Lawsuit - he claimed he came up with "Just do it." (I think we can all agree it was Jack Bauer, though.)
  10. Tragically single (of COURSE) - tried an online dating website and it ended up being a huge failure.
  11. He loves sucking grapes.

So...that was a journey into the abyss of my brain. Honestly, after the first one I started picturing the Count from Sesame Street instead of him, but I think it could work either way. I'm sticking with the Count for now so my brain doesn't explode from visualizing the grape thing. Uh oh. Too late.

I have vowed not to watch any television until I finish all the papers I have due at the end of the semester (I guess I have 8? It's not that bad since this is, you know, college. But...2 a week, ugh) but I also believe in positive reinforcement--it is, after all, the only thing that works on me--so once I finish the torture of my Money & Congress paper and do a few hours of research for my Reagan/FCC papers, I believe I will let myself watch Patch Adams because I really, really want to. I find him more attractive when he plays really cold, impersonal characters.

college, bob gunton, 24

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