FIC - De-stressing (4/?)

Sep 18, 2013 17:25

Title: De-stressing (4/?)
Author: wheelie47
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Noah and Reid
Beta: Valenti1965 - Thanks for all your support, Louise!
Word count: 4,288 (WIP)
Summary: Bad Boy!Noah and Reid have a dinner date…
A continuation chapter written for the Lil' Bang II over at the theneid
LINK TO ORIGINAL STORY - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Disclaimer: Don’t own characters, am not associated in any way with ATWT. No offence intended.
Notes: Thanks to Louise (Valenti1965) for the plot bunny to continue the story! And to Nic (Random-nic) for hosting Lil' Bang II!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4

“OK. Let’s see,” Reid murmured to himself as he lifted up a tie in each hand, resting them against the material of his deep claret shirt and checking his reflection in the mirror.

When Reid caught his reflection cocking its head deep in thought, contemplating which tie was a better match, the confusing mix of excitement, nervousness and a kind of stunned disbelief at his own actions building up inside him burst in a wave of frustration.

“What the hell am I doing?” he groaned, balling up the ties and throwing them onto the bed.

Reid Oliver hated wearing suits, preferring the freedom of his navy scrubs or casual clothing instead.

But here he was, all the same, trying to decide which tie to wear to dinner.

Reid Oliver never got all flustered and anxious about going on a date… not now. That Reid Oliver had long gone; disappointed by too many broken promises and dreams in younger years… if that naive young man had ever existed at all.

But here he was, all the same, having spent way too long preening himself in the bathroom with a knot growing in his stomach. It was threatening to affect his appetite and that was unheard of.

All because of a certain dark-haired, handsome but brooding, young man who he couldn’t seem to get out of his head and kept reappearing in his life ever since he strode confidently into his universe with such dramatic consequences barely above a week ago.

The insistent buzzing of the doorbell cut through his thoughts.

“Dammit!” Now to top it all the annoyingly irreverent guy was early!

Reid should’ve expected Noah Mayer to arrive either early or late - typical of the kind of dramatic entrance he’d already encountered on more than one occasion in the short time he had known the guy.

He checked his watch to find out just how early Mayer was, already formulating a snarky one-liner to open the door with.

But he stopped short when he realized the guy was right on time!

Reid was shocked by just how long he had taken to get ready.

He took one last look at himself in the bedroom mirror before turning and striding out of the room to answer the door, muttering chastisements to himself as he went over how he was acting like some lovesick teenager .

As Reid reached out to open the door, it suddenly occurred to him that this was a really bad idea. The plan had been that he would choose the restaurant and Noah would drive them there on his Harley. Though the thought of being pressed up close to Noah’s taut leather-clad back and his firm ass sent pin pricks of arousal radiating all over his body, the arrangement also meant that Noah now knew where Reid lived.

What had he been thinking?! He hardly knew the guy. He was older and a damn sight wiser than that!

But there was just something about the annoying yet alluring brunette that kept making him act irrationally.

A something that had him twisting the knob and flinging the door wide open.

All other thoughts died as his brain could only register the tall muscular frame of Noah Mayer leaning almost nonchalantly against the doorjamb. His leather jacket was slung casually over his left shoulder and he was dressed in his seemingly trademark black pants and shirt. Reid’s gaze was drawn to the shirt’s open neck, revealing several inches of bare skin and making his mouth water at the thought of what lay below that tempting triangle.

“Doc!” Noah’s deep and suggestive drawl snapped Reid out of his ogling, making him realize his mouth was hanging partially open. He snapped it shut as he advanced his eyes up to the other man’s face. He felt the heat of a blush spread across his cheeks as Noah’s wide smirk and the glint in the crystal blue told Reid that the guy knew exactly where he’d been looking and what he’d been thinking.

Totally busted!

Noah pushed himself away from the doorjamb and took a step into the room as Reid took a step backward.

Looking Reid up and down, Noah’s smirk widened further. “You scrub up pretty well, Doc… for an old guy!” he exclaimed, his eyebrow rising as he nodded toward Reid’s torso.

Reid didn’t need to follow the younger man’s gaze to know that he was staring at Reid’s own open collar and at the expanse of skin it revealed.

Trying to push down the feelings of arousal stirred by how the other man looked at him with that lustful expression etched on his face, Oliver concentrated instead on the fact he’d called him ‘Doc’ again. And he wasn’t even going there with the ‘old guy’ jibe!

“Really? Do we have to do this Every. Single. Time?! It’s Reid… and you know it, Mayer!” He retorted with an exasperated roll of his eyes.

Reid watched with interest as the brunette stiffened and clenched his fists repeatedly at the mention of his last name. He was instantly intrigued. It wasn’t the first time the guy had reacted like that. He found himself wondering why the family name caused such a reaction.

Before he could open his mouth to ask, Noah appeared to snap out of it. His features softened and he relaxed his hands, breathing deeply.

“Whatever you say… Reid,” the younger man replied with a shrug as if it didn’t matter to him and his smirk returned.

Taking another step closer, Mayer’s gaze dropped again to the exposed strip of skin laid bare by Reid’s open shirt. “What say we skip dinner and go straight to dessert?” he asked before running the tip of his tongue suggestively along his bottom lip as if he wanted to repeat the gesture on Reid’s flesh.

Oliver suppressed a gulp, hoping that the other man wouldn’t notice.

“Uh-uh,” he replied when he found his voice again. As much as a growing part of him wanted to do exactly what Noah suggested, he wasn’t going to give in. He wasn’t that easy… not this time.

Tearing away his gaze, he reached for his wallet, keys and cell, stowing them all in the pockets of his black dress pants, before locking eyes with the younger man again. “You promised to take me to dinner.”

Mayer stood rooted to the spot, even leaning in toward Reid slightly. He wasn’t accustomed to having people turn him down.

But eventually the smirk returned to his face. “Whatever you want… Reid.” He was actually enjoying this game!

He turned on his heels, re-positioned his jacket over his shoulder, and strode out of the apartment without a second look back, just expecting the neurosurgeon to follow him.

Oliver let out a low moan as he felt the familiar stirring in his groin when he observed Noah’s firm ass, hidden under the low-slung material of his dress pants - that clung in all the right places - disappearing from view.

“Here we go again!” he muttered under his breath as he found himself striding after the lithe young man, closing the door shut behind him with a resounding slam that echoed in the now empty apartment…

The guttural roar of Noah’s custom Iron 883 turned many a head as he steered the sleek machine into the parking lot of La Dolce Vita Italian restaurant in Downtown Dallas.

Those same heads continued to stare as the two men climbed off the bike.

Mayer only swung his body off the saddle when Reid had clambered off the back, and he found himself - much to his surprise - realizing that he actually missed the feel of the older man’s arms around his waist with his elegant surgeon’s fingers spread across his taut stomach.

As Noah cast his gaze over the lot, he was well aware people were watching them… him especially. He knew he turned people’s heads, both men and women alike. He usually stood head and shoulders above the people around him; he was handsome; and the edge of danger aura his dark and brooding appearance exuded seemed to attract bored people who wanted some excitement in their dull lives.

Mayer knew all that. And it suited him just fine. The façade he’d built up over the years meant that no-one ever got close to the scared lonely little boy who had cowered in his father’s domineering shadow.

Despite his best efforts at a giant ‘fuck you!’ to his father and the rest of the world, there was still a part of that little boy that dwelt right at the core of his being.

And sometimes Noah felt like he was hiding in plain sight, waiting for someone to see through the deception.

He was beginning to wonder if the guy next to him - their arms brushing occasionally as they walked to the restaurant’s entrance - was beginning to figure out there was more to Noah than met the eye.

Noah was amazed to find he wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about that…

Once inside, Mayer saw that, although the restaurant was busy, it was designed so there were secluded alcoves and booths to give the diners a more intimate atmosphere.

“My, how romantic!” he leaned in close and murmured to Reid as the waitress led them through the restaurant toward a booth at the rear.

Reid’s cheeks colored a little and, annoyed at his body’s reaction, he muttered over his shoulder, “Shut up!” He’d chosen the place purely for the food. The layout had nothing to do with it!

Once seated, the waitress handed them the menus and took their drinks order before leaving them to ponder the food on offer.

Reid studied the menu in detail, wondering what to choose, but looked up only to see Noah staring at him with a hungry look in his eyes.

“Chosen already?” he asked with a gulp as he managed to tear his gaze away from the intense blue.

“Oh, I already know what I’m hungry for,” Noah replied with a smirk, licking his lips and eyeing Reid’s triangle of bare skin.

Oliver opened his mouth to fire off what he hoped would be a withering retort despite his suddenly dry mouth but was interrupted by the waitress’s return.

She placed their drinks on the table followed by a complementary plate of bruschetta for them both to share. Raising her pad and pencil to take their order, she looked at both men, her eyes widened as her gaze settled on the younger man. She had a feeling these two wouldn’t be all that interested in any of the food she had to offer - not judging by the look the handsome brunette was giving the other guy.

“What can I get you guys?” she almost sighed. Why did all the hot guys have to be gay?!

Reid took another moment to study the menu. “I’ll have the slow roast salmon with the white wine and thyme risotto.”

She nodded then looked across at the other man.

“And I’ll have the linguine carbonara, thank you.” Noah tore his gaze away from Reid and smiled up at the woman.

The waitress managed another nod despite what the man’s smile and those oh so stunning blue eyes were doing to her insides. Damn! Wouldn’t she just give this guy whatever he wanted!

Finally remembering what she was supposed to be doing, she scribbled down their order. “Good choices. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.” Her voice had a breathy tone that neither man was aware enough to notice and she turned away with another small sigh as she left them to their devouring stares.

For long moments after the waitress had left the two of them continued to stare at each other.

Noah reached for his beer and held Reid’s gaze as he took a long drink of the cool liquid; his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed. He paused and swiped his tongue along his lips before speaking, enjoying the way the neurosurgeon squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. Noah knew exactly the effect he was having on the older man and he loved having that control.

“So, this is new,” he grinned mischievously at Oliver. “This is the most time we’ve spent together with all of our clothes on!” His smirk suggested that was way too long a time period.

Reid gulped and took a long steadying breath. He was determined the younger man wasn’t going to get the upper hand this time. “So why boxing?” He nodded down at Noah’s hand wrapped around his glass, the scarred knuckles bulging prominently.

Noah’s hand tightened around the glass and he visibly stiffened. Where was the doctor going with this? “Why not?” he asked with a shrug.

“Well,” Oliver began and gestured to Noah’s dark choice of clothing before waving his hand in the general direction of the parking lot to the unseen Harley, “what with your flare for the dramatic, I figured you’d be more suited to the entertainment industry where you could actually use your last remaining brain cell instead of trying to kill it off.”

Noah brought the glass down with a thud, spilling the contents over his hand as he loomed forward across the table menacingly.

People’s chatter from the surrounding tables skidded to an abrupt halt and Noah could feel the weight of their stares.

But it wasn’t the sudden attention that stayed Noah’s hand; he couldn’t have cared less about where he was. In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have thought twice about laying low anybody who’d spoken to him like that with a well-aimed punch before striding off.

No, what made Noah not punch Reid full in the face was the way the doctor was looking at him intently as if staring straight through his tough outer layer to what lay beneath. Was the man’s remark just a flippant off-hand comment or did he really sense the path that Noah wished his life had taken?

Noah was intrigued by this… this unknown entity that was growing and solidifying between them. He’d never met anyone like Reid Oliver before. Reid annoyed and irritated like no other man he’d ever known and, somehow, he was still attracted to the guy.

It was that attraction and intrigue that kept his ass on the chair.

“Guess I just discovered I’m better working with my hands,” he smirked as he moved his hand up and down the glass in such a way that Reid had little doubt of the meaning of his words.

Just as the diners around them began to realize the show was over and were returning their interest to their own tables, and before Reid could respond to Noah’s innuendo, an authoritative voice sounded loudly off to Noah’s right. “Dr. Oliver!”

Noah turned his attention to the approaching male - an older guy dressed smartly in a pin-striped suit and red tie complete with a young leggy blonde female on his arm.

“Great,” Reid muttered under his breath. “That’s all I need.”

Nodding his head in reluctant acknowledgement, he raised his voice a little. “Dr. Carlton.”

Noah was surprised that this other guy was a doctor too. He looked more like an accountant or a lawyer.

The older man inclined his head slightly. “What a surprise, Oliver. I wouldn’t have thought this would be somewhere you’d frequent!” His gaze swept between the two men and he arched his eyebrow with barely hidden disdain before he settled on Noah.

Reid remained silent until Carlton swung his stare back in his direction. “Oh, I come here all the time! The food is excellent!” He wasn’t going to let the guy think he was better than him with his expensive tastes and his daddy’s money.

Carlton’s eyebrows rose sharply in surprise but he never responded and Reid couldn’t resist a self-satisfied smirk.

The doctor stood there as if he was waiting for Reid to introduce Noah but Reid remained silent; he didn’t want to waste an extra minute talking to this guy if he could help it.

“Well,” Carlton eventually broke the silence, “I’ll see you Monday morning for the staff meeting. Don’t be late… again.”

And with that he tugged the leggy blonde’s arm and led her away from the table but not before leaving both men with a hard stare.

“Who’s that?”

“Dr. Max Carlton - another surgeon. The guy’s an incompetent though. He couldn’t cut his way out of a paper bag with a sharp scalpel. But he gets to be Chief of Staff at the hospital. Go figure!”

“Jealous much?!” Noah chuckled loudly.

“Of him? No way!” Reid was indignant. “I got into medicine because I wanted to help people and because I’m damn good at it! Not to play at hospital politics. Besides, the guy is a homophobic asshole!”

At those last words, Noah’s eyes narrowed and he leaned in closer. “Is that why you didn’t introduce me as your date?” his deep baritone rumbled darkly. “Are you ashamed of who you are, Reid? Are you in the closet?” If Reid answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions then Noah was outta there! He’d been down that road too many times. And despite whatever this… this thing was that was growing between them he wasn’t prepared to go back there for Reid or for anyone else.

Reid was shocked not to mention annoyed. “Are you kidding me?! Is that what you think of me? Listen to me, Mayer! I’m totally OK… no… more than OK with who I am. I’m exactly where I want to be. It’s just I don’t feel the need to shout it from the rooftops at every opportunity!”

He sat back and watched the other man closely. But there was nothing - no reaction in that brooding handsome face. What was going on in that head of his?

Reid guessed he would just have to prove it to the man… although why he felt the need was beyond him.

Raising his voice, he called across the restaurant to Carlton just as the Chief of Staff was about to leave, making the diners around their table look up. “Hey, Carlton!” Reid paused, waiting for the man and his lady friend to turn to face him. “Make sure you two enjoy the rest of your evening. I certainly plan to!” He glanced suggestively at Noah.

Carlton visibly paled; the meaning of Reid’s words wasn’t lost on him neither were they lost on the rest of the diners. The man hurriedly turned and ushered the leggy blonde out of the restaurant.

Reid sat back in his chair, a smug, self-satisfied expression spreading across his face. He grabbed a piece of bruschetta and bit into it, chewing slowly.

Noah didn’t react - just sat watching Reid eating. This guy was full of surprises.

Reid groaned loudly as he swallowed. “Oh my God, Noah! You have to try this. It’s amaz - ” He stopped abruptly, his eyes widening in surprise as Noah’s sock-covered foot pressed firmly into his groin, the toes massaging his soft cock.

Noah’s foot disappeared as quickly as it had made contact.

Moments later, Reid watched on in shocked silence as the brunette stood and leaned in close. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

He pulled out his wallet, threw a handful of notes on the table, and turned to leave but not before he paused to raise a dark eyebrow at Reid. “Coming?”

And then he walked away.

The waitress chose that exact moment to bring their food. Typical!

“Dammit!” Reid exclaimed, looking at the food then at Noah’s retreating form and back again.

He really couldn’t believe he was about to do this!

Standing, he looked at the food one more time with regret. “Hope it’s as good as it looks! Enjoy.”

And then Oliver followed Noah out into the night…

Both men crashed through Reid’s apartment door in a mass of eager mouths and grasping hands.

Almost before he’d brought his Harley to a halt outside, Noah had been out of the saddle, pressing up against Oliver and threatening to bend him over the bike and take him right there if the neurosurgeon didn’t hurry up and find his apartment keys.

And Reid had been within a hair’s breadth of letting him - the sensations coursing through his body almost overriding his concern about getting caught.

Noah threw his leather jacket carelessly to the floor before he slammed Reid against the apartment door as it shut behind them. His mouth hungrily sought out the older man’s and swift fingers made short work of pulling Reid’s shirt out of his pants - desperate to feel skin.

“Too many clothes,” he grunted against the doctor’s lips as he yanked at the material, sending shirt buttons skittering across the wooden floor. His deft fingers skimmed over taut skin and he pulled back slightly to admire the bare flesh. “Not bad… for an old guy!”

Reid rolled his eyes. “Shut up, asshole! Too much talking, not enough kissing!” He curled his long, slim fingers around the back of Noah’s neck and pulled him back down, their teeth clashing and tongues dueling in a hard open-mouthed kiss.

Reid gave as good as he got.

He groaned breathlessly as Noah’s mouth pulled away to suck and bite his way down to Reid’s torso, taking a hardening nipple into the moist heat while his hand snaked down further to press the heel hard against his awakening cock.

As much as Reid wanted to maintain his last shred of dignity that he wasn’t completely into this and wasn't desperate for more, when Noah’s mouth latched onto his neck - sucking hard - as his sure finger found its way between his ass cheeks and teased the sensitive circle of muscle, he found himself crying out in sheer, animalistic lust, “Fuck, Noah!”

“I’m working on it!” Noah smirked into the flushed skin of Reid’s neck. The fact that he could turn this smug, arrogant doctor into a quivering, begging mess fuelled the fire in his groin and he sucked relentlessly as he rutted against Reid’s hardness.

The small part of Oliver’s brain that wasn’t completely overwhelmed with what Noah’s confident mouth and hands were doing to him realized he’d never even seen Noah without his shirt on.

This was a situation that had to be rectified. NOW!

“Need to… feel,” Reid groaned.

Repeating Noah’s earlier action, he yanked open the man’s black shirt and almost sighed despite himself as he closed his eyes and let his fingers push aside the material to feel the hard lines of highly toned stomach muscles.

The touch of Reid’s hands on his skin urged Noah on and his free hand snaked back between their bodies to slide into Reid’s dress pants, fingers curling around the neurosurgeon’s hard cock trapped in the confines of his underwear.

As Noah’s thumb repeatedly passed over Reid’s leaking cock head and he worked the tip of his middle finger into his tight ass, Reid found himself torn between jerking further forward into Noah’s hand on his length or rocking backward onto the intense feel of the intrusion.

Reid groaned and tilted his head back to give Noah more access to skin as his fingers continued their dance over Noah’s firm body, intent on covering every inch of bare flesh.

Suddenly the movement faltered as his surgeon’s fingers felt several imperfections in the skin.

Imperfections that he recognized instantly - scars.

Through the haze of his lust, Oliver managed to open his eyes and look down in horror to see the scars across Noah’s skin. Some were old and pale, others were newer and more livid. There was also a large but fading bruise on his left side by his ribs.

“Stop! You have to stop, Noah!” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, surprised by his real concern for the younger man.

“Are you kidding me?” Noah murmured against Reid’s throat as he sought out the doctor’s mouth again. “You want me to stop doing this?” he asked, squeezing the older man’s cock.

With a herculean effort, Reid ignored what Noah’s hands were doing to him and pushed against his chest until the other man stepped back a little. He had to stifle a whine at the loss of contact.

Reid saw a flushed and confused Noah looking back at him.

Reaching out, he passed his thumb gently over the scar intersecting the younger man’s left eyebrow. “You have to stop, Noah.”

“What are you talking about?” Noah asked, an edge of suspicion in his voice.

“Fighting - you have to stop fighting, Noah. It’s going to get you killed.”

Anger flared in Noah’s chest and his eyes narrowed. This wasn’t the first time Oliver had tried to tell him what to do. Nobody told him what to do… not anymore… especially not this guy who he had known for about five minutes.

Noah stepped menacingly forward, using his full height to his advantage, and jabbed his finger into the doctor’s chest. “You. Don’t. Get. To. Tell. Me. What. To. Do. Ever!”

Reid stood his ground. “I’m serious, Mayer. One blow in the wrong place and it’d be your last fight.”

Noah bent and snatched up his jacket. “Stay out of my business and out of my life!” He glared at the neurosurgeon before grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the way.

Without another word, he yanked open the door and strode angrily out of the apartment.

Reid stood there, just staring at the door with his shirt open wide, his hair all mussed up and his pants gaping open.

“What the hell just happened?!” he muttered in shock.

This was not how he expected this night to end.


alternative universe, atwt, fanfiction, reid, lil bang ii, noah

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