FIC - Shipwrecked - Lost... but found (Master Post)

Aug 04, 2013 18:11

Title: Shipwrecked - Lost... but found.
Author/Artist: Wheelie47
Beta: Valenti1965 - thanks for your support and encouragement, Louise!
Rating: NC17 (eventually)
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys!
Characters/Pairings: Van and Jake (JANSIS)
Word Count: approx 10,500 (in total)
Warnings: A little bit of angst.
Summary: Van and Jake are shipwrecked on a desert island. Told from Jake’s POV.
Author’s Notes: There are no significant others in this fic; Van and Jake are both single.
Original Prompt: #12 - "Castaway" inspired. They are shipwrecked on a desert island.
Written for Summerfest 2013 over on nukebigbang

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3

jake, fanfiction, van, summerfest 2013, jansis

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