I am already looking for a new job, Wendy's is just a gross place to work, it is gross. I don't like feeling gross, and i don't like seeing the behind the scenes at a fast food restaurant, it is bad. Bryn and I got applications for TJ Maxx, they are hiring right now, sweet! I have to Work 4-11 today.
Post a comment on something that you are looking forward to, it doesn't matter how far away, just telling me something you can't wait for. (Example: I am looking forward to reading everyones post about what they are looking forward to.) See it is easy. Just go Off.
I finally found the song from The Life Aquatic that i have been looking for. The song they play in the end when they are in the mini sub
and...i don't want to give anything away for the less fortunit that haven't seen it yet. But anyways the song is amazing and it makes me want to cry and watch the Movie again everytime i hear it. It is by Sigur Ros and it is called Staralfur.