Imagine a Stuffed animal of this, with a beak, and yellow hair. Weirdest thing ever! Geoduck
Common name: Geoduck or "Gooey Duck"
Scientific name: Panopea abrupta
Size: They grow to about 2 pounds in 4 or 5 years and reach full size in about 15 years (shell size about 6 inches, weight 10 to 14 pounds). And can be up to 10 feet in length.
Distinctive features: the shell covers only a small portion of the geoduck's portly body or "siphon"
Diet: algae
Life expectancy: up to 150 years!
Distribution: coastal waters from California to Alaska and are most prolific in Puget Sound and British Columbia
Where it lives: Young clams burrow into sediments about a foot each year and generally settle in at about 3 feet. They live in low intertidal and subtidal zones at depths of 10 to 80 feet typically, but reaching depths up to 360 feet. Densities can surpass 20 clams per square meter in ideal habitats.
Geoducks Factoid:
The “old growth” clams of the marine world, geoducks are the world’s largest burrowing clam The state’s total geoduck population is estimated at 674 million pounds, about a quarter of which is considered available for commercial harvest. Geoducks are prized foods in markets worldwide and are a highly valued fishery for the state, estimated at $40 million annually.
Just Look how gross they are! Yucky Duck is more like it!
Now You Know!
Good Night
I Love You Jorie!