I'm in the habit of half-drowsing through the wee hours with the TV or radio on, with the result that I sometimes come away with memories of images I'm not sure whether I watched or dreamed.
The context would've been some American late-night talk show from the past few months; I recall a 60's British Invasion-style pop song performed by Johnny Depp, who wore horn-rimmed glasses and a punk-disheveled fancy-dress uniform that evoked (but was not exactly) his Captain Jack Sparrow persona. The song had a jaunty syncopated beat reminiscent of
Sarah Vaughan's version of "Broken-Hearted Melody." ETA: Danged if Johnny Depp and Adam Ant don't have very similar facial structures--and, indeed, I doubt that Keith Richards was the only British rocker to color Sparrow's dress and characterization. The song is in fact
"Vince Taylor", from Ant's recent album (Adam Ant Is the Blueblack Hussar in) Marrying the Gunner's Daughter.
(A tip of the cockaded hat to