Movie that has a girl talking to a guy through the computer and he sees her as a bunny?

May 21, 2012 22:51

I think the film takes place in the future, but doesn't feel futuristic. The girl has a few exchanges with a man through the computer, like webcaming kind of? at one point he tells her about an important writer, i think proust maybe? through the computer i think you can portray yourself as anyone. she portrays herself as a bunny one time.

and she's looking for her parents or something like that. there is a scene where the girl goes to some guys house and he has a music machine with a disco ball on it i think. she may also have been asked to take care of dogs...

theres also a scene where a guy is trying to shoot a movie in a house, and the house catches on fire or something.

i saw the film a long time ago and really want to know what it is, those are all the details i remember. help me out! thanks


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