Gay band members?

Feb 15, 2012 13:39

I was reading Stephen King's non-fiction book Danse Macabre when I saw this

"Radio stations continued to play discs by one group even after two male band members announced they were in love with each other"

He is talking about something which happened between 1966 and 1976- does anyone know who he's talking about

Edit for full context :

If the late fifties to the early sixties were the curtain-raiser on the generation gap then the seven years from 1966 to 1972 were the play itself. Little Richard, who had horrified parents in 1957 when he leapt atop his piano and began boogying on it in his lizardskin loafers, looked tame next to John Lennon, who was proclaiming that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus - a statement that set off a rash of fundamentalist record-burnings. The Brylcreem look was replaced by those long locks already discussed. Parents began to find strange herbs in their sons' and daughters' bureau drawers. The images in rock  music had become increasingly distressing; Mr Tambourine Man seemed to be about drugs; with the Byrds Eight Miles High there could be no question.Radio stations continued to play discs by one group even after two male band members announced they were in love with each other. Elton John proclaimed his AC/DC sexual proclivities and continued successful; yet less than 20 years before, Jerry Lee Lewis was blackballed from AM airplay when he married his fourteen year old cousin.


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