japanese-american pianist / internment...

Dec 12, 2011 12:06

I don't even know what it is that I'm looking for - it may be a fictional book, a movie, a radio play, a real-life occurence or any combination of the four.

It's basically a rather sad story I remember hearing (on radio I think) about a Japanese-American concert pianist (female, I think) who had lived all her life somewhere fairly remote in northern North America (possibly Canada?) and who, during the Second World War was basically considered an 'enemy alien' and given a very short period of time to prepare for being sent to an internment camp. So heartbroken was she at having the country she thought she belonged to turn upon her in this way that she pushed her concert piano into a nearby lake, vowing never to play again.

Does this strike a chord with anybody??? Please help!

1940s, radio, play, japanese, movie, book, american

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