Feb 28, 2011 08:11
I watched Julie and Julia earlier (which was really good) and in one part of the movie Julie and her husband Eric are watching that old SNL skit with--oh god I wanna say Dan Aykroyd but I don't think it's him, but I might be wrong, playing Julia Child, who is making chicken and ends up cutting herself and gushing blood all over the place. That got me thinking, I'm sure I saw somewhere a different Julia Child skit, one in which she keeps adding more and more wine to whatever she's cooking and eventually just downs an entire bottle of wine. I don't know if it was another SNL skit or what, but it popped into my head when I saw that part of the movie.
(The doubtful part of my brain keeps saying this is just something my little brother did once, though--the Julia Child cooking-with-wine impression that is. But he may have been quoting from something.)