Shampoo of All Things

Sep 06, 2009 17:54

There was this brand of shampoo that my mother bought for us to use years ago and for the life of me I can't remember what it was ( Read more... )


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sentinelsoul September 7 2009, 22:26:26 UTC
No, but thank you.


earthdotprime September 7 2009, 03:56:24 UTC
Maybe White Rain, their old bottles used to have pictures of the scent on them with corresponding colors for the text. Can't find a photo of the bottles before the redesign, though.


sentinelsoul September 7 2009, 22:27:14 UTC
It wasn't that, my mother remembered it was some off brand she got from the dollar store. Thanks anyway, though!


_ballerinagirl September 8 2009, 23:18:01 UTC
You get White Rain at the dollar store, it's worth a try.


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