Shampoo of All Things

Sep 06, 2009 17:54

There was this brand of shampoo that my mother bought for us to use years ago and for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

- It was a white bottle with a red apple on it (I think it might have been a drawing of one.)
- It was for either dry hair or color-treated hair. There was a whole line of them with different scents for different kinds of hair.
- It was regular apple-scented, not green apple.
- I'm pretty sure she bought it at Wal-Mart, if that helps.

For some reason I want to say it was Suave, but it wasn't at their website and Google failed me in that regard.

ETA: My mother remembered that it was some off-brand she got from the dollar store that they don't make any more. Of course. Meh.


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