(no subject)

Sep 04, 2009 22:32

I just remembered a movie we used to watch about once a week when I was in grade school (early-mid 90's), but I can only remember a tiny bit.

What I can recall is that it's set in non-modern times,and there's a group of kids, and one of them stutters when he talks, or possibly can't talk at all (I think. He may be blind, or possibly deaf.) or maybe he has a limp? God, I can't remember, but there is a boy, and he is unable to do something physically, and there is an older man who is possibly deformed (or just ugly) who lives in a big mansion somewhere far away from the kids' villiage. The kids are scared of him, but they all start going out there for some reason, and then there is plot that I don't remember, and at the end the boy with the issue is cured! By music! That the older deformed/ugly man plays! (We watched it in music class, so it was music centered).

I just remembered this movie, and it always reminded me of The Phantom of the Opera, but it is not PotO. I know this is super ambiguous and vague, but if anyone can help, that would be wonderful.

music, play, music opera, music soundtrack, !found, history, song, movie, 1990s, place

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