(Another) 80s TV Show

Aug 25, 2009 23:51

I have a hard time describing this to folks, so no one ever knows what I'm talking about. It's a live-action (ie., not animated) TV show from the 80s, I remember watching it on Saturday mornings. There are 2 kids, a boy and a girl somewhere between the ages of 10-16, and they live with? Work with? Hang out with? some sort of mad scientist type, and he has a time machine in his lab. The time machine sort of resembles a silver elevator; they step in, the doors slide shut, and maybe they travel in time? And then they come back, the doors slide open, there's smoke, and they step out. There may have been a dog. I also seem to recall there being a diner where they hung out, though that might have been another show. I associate the word "sparks" with my memories of the show, but I don't think the show was called Sparks. Did this exist? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

english, music, music folk, animal, 1980s, quote, music soundtrack, tv, song, food, place, word, product

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