(no subject)

Jun 19, 2009 16:29

 1. A month or two ago, I saw part of a cooking show that appeared to be a rip off of Top Chef. I believe they even had their own lame elimination catchphrase a la "Pack your knives and go." One of the Queer Eyes was on the episode I saw. Anybody know what it was? It does NOT have Gordon Ramsay.
ETA: Found! It was Chopped.

2. My friend showed me this website where search for the type of software you want and it comes up with a rated list of safe, reliable programs. Do you know anything like it? I just got a new laptop and I don't want to infect it.

3. Two or three years ago, I heard this song on the radio in Western MA. The background music was minimal -- maybe there was the kind of up-and-down-the-scale bass you'll hear in jazz clubs but not much else besides that. It was a lot like spoken word poetry. It sounded like a young black guy and his voice was very, very smooth. The whole song was a metaphor for how dating and relationships are like bees. It was really bizarre and I'd love to hear it again.

Thanks in advance!

music, livejournal, person, quote, website, song, food, african, word, product, 2000s, poetry, bug, instrument, american, tv, music jazz, software

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