Short story

Apr 05, 2009 00:05

X-posted to whatwasthatbook

I had a book that I think was once a school textbook, the kind with a bunch of short stories in it, for a reading class (although not any reading class I was in. I think my grandmother sent me the book). I no longer have the book, but there was one short story in it that I especially loved and would like to be able to read again, if it's online. The story takes place during the winter of one of the world wars (I'm nearly positive it's WWI, but it might be WWII) in Russia. A Russian boy and his (younger?) sister are the main characters; the only part that I remember is that they are stuck outside in the snow in "No-man's-land", the girl collapses, and German soldiers find them. One of the soldiers says something in German that I can't remember. I believe he gives the children chocolate and sausages, and I think the boy doesn't want to eat them because he thinks they might be poisoned. I'm almost positive there is a part where the boy thinks the soldiers will shoot them. One of the higher-ups of the soldiers says something like "they are children, and children have no place in war" and one of the German soldiers carries the girl to shelter/safety. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Found: It was an excerpt from the book Boris by Jaap ter Haar. Thanks to gehayi in whatwasthatbook.

livejournal, book, german, russian, quote, short story, !found, website, history, food, character

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