Feb 28, 2009 18:47
Hey all-
I used to be a huge fan of K.A. Applegate's "Animorphs" series, but have not pursued them since finishing them back in the 90s.
However, one scene from a particular book has stayed with me ever since.
--It was from one of Tobias' books- after he'd permanently assumed hawk form.
I don't remember why, but he had to go talk to one of the Vissers, (he might have been undercover trying to interrogate the Visser for important information? It was a fake job interview, perhaps?) so he morphed into a human and met with the Visser (in an office?).
All I know for sure is that they were sitting across from one another at a desk, and Tobias had to be extremely conscious of his facial expressions--he had to sit very still and act very unassuming, lest he be found out.
I know that he successfully fooled the Visser- but I know the process was intense, seeing as he was on a one-hour time limit in his human morph.
I know this book was earlier in the series.
Which book was this? And what was Tobias' situation?
Thank you!