Looking for a movie

Aug 30, 2008 22:14

I saw this movie several years ago on SBS in Australia

I think it was Danish/ Dutch/ other Scandinavian. It was broadcast in its original language with subtitles.

The story inolved some kind of monster/demon killing people. Victims were distinguished by an arangement of 5 bruises on thier bodies corresponding to having been grasped very tightly by some kind of otherworldly hand.

I think it had a fairly generic one word title (in English atleast) such as 'Beast' or 'Daemon' or whatever.

I think the main character was a guy, possibly a doctor, investigating the victims deaths. I thnk he may have had to dig up a recently deceased corpse to see if it had the distinctive bruises. Or not. Im not really too sure on that point. There may have been a ?girl ?journalist helping him.

!found, danish, dutch, movie

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