A big red button that must never ever be pressed...

Mar 19, 2010 07:47

Anyone else noticed the change in the LJ inbox display? Now, next to new comment notifications, there are three buttons: a big red X for delete, a screen button and a freeze button.

So I had a comment notification that I didn't need to keep in my inbox any more, and saw the big red X next to the comment. Okay, I thought, a new easy way to delete it rather than selecting it and clicking delete up at the top. So I clicked the red X. Then got a menu list asking if I wanted to ban the user from commenting in my LJ etc... didn't select anything on that list and just continued. So what did that red X do? It deleted the comment from my journal! There was nothing anywhere to tell me that the purpose of that delete button was to delete from my JOURNAL rather than just the inbox. Not very clever, LJ - I'm sure I won't be the only person to make that mistake.

So just a warning: if you're managing your inbox and clearing out old notifications, do not press that red X button!
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