Crossposting: Help compile a DW rec list!

Mar 20, 2010 23:22

Posting here and linking to dark_aegis's LJ, where the rec list is being compiled - let's help dark_aegis collect a HUGE rec list of DW fic!

I'd like to gather a Doctor Who rec list. Not just for me to find something 'fun' to read, but also for everyone out there who might be interested. I know there are fics out there that I haven't read, but are most likely completely brilliant. Thus was born this post.


1 : post a comment with the username of a writer whose fic you want to rec.
2 : in a reply to that comment, post the LINK TO FIC, PAIRING, RATING AND SUMMARY. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE!
3 : New Series preferred, but hey, Old School is good, too!
3 : spread the love! remember, the more GOOD fic you rec, the better and more useful this post is to everyone.
4 : feel free to comment away, notifications are off :)
5 : no bashing, wank etc, please.

Go here to rec your favourite fics!

fic recs

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