A big red button that must never ever be pressed...

Mar 19, 2010 07:47

Anyone else noticed the change in the LJ inbox display? Now, next to new comment notifications, there are three buttons: a big red X for delete, a screen button and a freeze button.

So I had a comment notification that I didn't need to keep in my inbox any more, and saw the big red X next to the comment. Okay, I thought, a new easy way to delete it ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

persiflage_1 March 19 2010, 12:28:10 UTC
That button's always been there - it's just that now they're far more visible - being large and coloured instead of small and grey. From what I can gather, reading the LJ News announcement, users with accessibility issues such as visual impairment requested that the buttons be made larger and more obvious, and LJ have complied with that request (as you would hope).


wendymr March 20 2010, 00:34:11 UTC
I'm not sure it's always been there on my layout. I certainly don't remember seeing it, and I just went back and looked at some of the older comment notifications I still have. All I have are two links - not buttons - at the bottom, saying Reply and Link. No buttons, and nothing with the delete option.

I have no problem at all with larger buttons for the visually impaired. I do have a problem with buttons whose purpose isn't completely obvious :(


persiflage_1 March 20 2010, 06:08:19 UTC
Well I've always seen buttons like that in my Inbox for deleting comments, etc.


firefly124 March 19 2010, 13:07:34 UTC
Oh man, that's annoying!


rosewarren March 19 2010, 13:12:33 UTC
That happened to me last month. It was rage-inducing. I had to search and search for my inbox, too. I don't know why this change was made, but it's ridiculous.


wendymr March 20 2010, 00:37:17 UTC
Isn't it infuriating? Yes, I saw some people on the news community complaining that they couldn't find the link to their inbox. It's now under Profile, which makes sense, but my layout also has a list of links above the navigation bar when I'm viewing my profile, which includes a link to Messages. That's always been there, even when LJ's been messing around with navigational changes.


rosewarren March 20 2010, 01:23:13 UTC
After reading your comment I went looking for Profile, and yup, it's changed again. I hate having to learn to do something a new way when it's always worked fine the old way.


dameruth March 19 2010, 15:06:26 UTC
Yeah, I did that once, way back, when I was just getting started with ElJay (used the little grey "X," that is and deleted someone's comment forever), and felt really bad about it. It's an extremely easy mistake to make.

Also, on a wider scale, it's really sad that LJ assumes people's interactions with others are going to be so unpleasant that you need a one-stop button for deleting a comment *and* banning someone from your journal. :( Fortunately nothing I've ever needed, but it says a lot about human interaction on the internetz.


wendymr March 20 2010, 00:39:31 UTC
Oddly, I don't think I ever did have a delete button next to the comment in my inbox; I only had the checkbox and the controls for deleting from the inbox only at the top of the page.

And, yes, it is rather disturbing to see 'ban' showing up so easily. If you hover your mouse over someone's icon, you'll also see two ban options. Likewise, I don't think I've ever banned anyone, and hope I'll never have to!


plaid_slytherin March 19 2010, 21:25:16 UTC
Yikes. It took me long enough to figure out how to delete them from my inbox in the first place... I would definitely wind up doing that. (Hush, I'm not technologically-inclined!)


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