Precious the Tortie Needs a New Home for the New Year

Jan 04, 2007 16:04

Reluctantly I'm having to find Precious a new home. She is still constantly stalking and attacking Snickers and she has figured out how to scale or jump over the double baby-gate separation solution. Yesterday I found a cut just above Snickers' eye that could have caused her to lose the eye if it had been just a few millimeters lower. The Feliway ComfortZone Diffuser hasn't significantly helped either. Those facts in combination with the reality that she caused Snickers to have a $400 surgery and is making Snickers paranoid and staying under the bed, the time has come.

Precious is a silly, affectionate, playful, sweet lap cat that needs to be the extreme alpha, so must find a home where she can be an only cat, or easily kept in a separate area. She has been indoor only at my house, but obviously likes to hunt, and might rather be indoor/outdoor in some combination. She's perfect with the litterbox, doesn't damage furniture, doesn't bite, loves her toys and snacky treats and would come with her food/water bowls, carrier, litterbox, food, toys and a scratching box.

I really do love her, and would love to be able to keep her, but with the trauma being caused to my other cat (who I've had for 5 years) it's not fair to either of them. No cat deserves to be locked in a garage most of the time, and that is where this is headed due to the layout of my place and inability to keep the cats separated. Precious really needs to be an ONLY cat because it is hard to predict how she'll be with other animals.

If interested, please email me at my Livejournal Addy, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible to make arrangements. I'll ask some questions about the home environment and might ask for a small adoption fee (really small) to make sure she's getting a good place to live.

adoption, precious, cats

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