Latest on my Dad...

May 09, 2006 21:37

So he had the consultation today and got the lowdown on the plan of attack. He's going to have the pre-op preparations early next Tuesday morning, and surgery on Wednesday at 7:30 AM. They will be doing the double bypass and replacing his aortic valve with a pig valve. The doctor decided that since Dad is such an active guy that the restrictions from taking coumadin with the plastic valve would be too tough to take.

My Aunt and I will be heading down sometime Tuesday morning to spend some time with them before the big day, and then we'll spend most of Wednesday to see how he does after the surgery. It is only supposed to take a couple of hours. I'll be asking for the two days off from work. Thank goodness I've got the time available.

So, if anyone is of a mind to send prayers or karma or vibes toward my Dad in Oregon, that'd be great.

dad, update, surgery

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