Haven't been updating much lately...

May 08, 2006 13:00

It's from a combination of a bunch of reasons. I'm still battling the sinus infection from hell, and it seems like it will never leave. Still stuffy, still some sinus pain and still lots of crap in my system to cough up or sneeze out. *ugh!*

Wednesday is French Class, which doesn't leave me much time to write up my adventures, and two Thursday nights a month are political meetings.. which... same thing. The one this last week didn't adjourn until 9:30 PM, and when you don't get home til 10 PM even with a ride, it tends to wipe you out.

Friday night we were trying to catch up on TiVo'd shows, and I got a phone call from my Mom with an update to all the medical appointments they've been having of late. My Mom is doing ok, and her colonoscopy turned out fine. She's still dealing with some rheumatoid arthritis, and some other chronic issues, but on the whole is OK. My Dad on the other hand is going to have some major surgery next week.

He's got another consultation tomorrow, but so far the word is that he's got to have a double bypass and have his aortic valve replaced. My Mom is still trying to determine if a pig valve or a plastic one will be the better choice, so that will be discussed at their meeting tomorrow. He also had the come-to-Jesus meeting about his smoking, so he has quit as of about four days ago now. I know he can do it, because he quit for 1.5 years back when he had prostate cancer, and it will improve the rest of his overall health condition, but it's going to be tough doing surgery when you're in the throes of withdrawals.

Saturday was the fundraising dinner for the county democratic party, and a fun time was had by all. Enough different things happened that I'll probably do another entry for it.

french, class, update, politics, meetings

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