Random rambling update...

Apr 24, 2006 20:55

Just got done watching The Station Agent... I really hope that Peter Dinklage gets more work soon. I was really disappointed when Threshold was cancelled this last Fall. Woops, just checked IMDB.com and it looks like he's got 8-10 things upcoming.. so that's cool.

Saturday I trekked to the library to pick up a book on hold, drop off five books, and ended up with a couple more. Just finished reading book 38 and am well into #39, so I'm not doing too badly on my quest to read 100 books this year. Then we headed out to see Ice Age 2: The Thaw or whatever the subtitle is. Pretty entertaining movie and the handful of kids that were there were totally behaved, so that was nice. It was actually mostly groups of adults there, so wasn't expecting that particular mix of crowd at 2:30 PM on a Saturday.

Sunday was composed of reading newspapers, doing laundry and typing up French textbook exercises for a fellow classmate. While doing that I discovered that MS Office 2003 has a French spellchecker, so I downloaded that. It's kind of crappy though since it doesn't put in accents most of the time..... just once in a while. But at least when you have it in French language mode it doesn't underline everything in red thinking it was mispelled.

Sunday afternoon I replaced 4 burnt-out lightbulbs. The level of sloth in this house sometimes leaves bulbs burnt out for weeks, so that was a major accomplishment. Of course I'm no closer to dredging out my garage... I'm tempted to wander over to TarJay to pick up a couple wire shelve systems... they've got a five-shelf rack for $39.95 this week, and I have a $25 gift card, So I'm tempted. There will be many other supplies required and steps needed to tackle that mess. We've got probably a truckload of cardboard boxes to break down, styrofoam to recycle, and boxes from 1993 when I moved out of college... I don't have any clue what is out there at this point. Once I can manage to get things under control I might be able to sell some stuff or donate/freecycle it away. The bonus will be having an organized accessible garage.

Next up my delivery of NutriSystem food showed up today. It certainly seems more complicated than it was back in 1992 when I did it the last time, but it does look more tasty. Now I've got to get a stock in of whole grain rolls, fruits, salads and the variety of other supplemental things in order to eat the foods. They DID manage to give me a couple of the food items tnat I asked them to leave out, so I'll have to change the order for next time. My plan is to do at least 2-3 months if I can in order to jump start my path to healthier living. My whole problem is portion control and making the wrong choices. I've had two courses of nutrition at Providence Health and am a lifetime WeightWatcher's member from having met my goal weight and maintained for the required amount of time back when I was 16.

Between that and French class and the trip planning, I've got a lot of changes going on. Let's just hope I can master them all!

cleaning, diet, garage, food, update, organizing

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