Safeway Latest Grocery Savings

Apr 24, 2006 15:35

My last trip to Safeway on Saturday was not too bad on saving money at the store. The original total of items purchased came to: $41.78 and I actually paid $35.15 for the three bags of groceries.

Breakdown of savings:
Club Card Savings: $1.88
Manufacturers Coupons: $4.75

Grand total: $6.63 saved! A total of 16% off!

We had a list and a plan and selected coupons with us. We did go off the list by buying a roasted chicken from the deli and some baby carrots to snack on, but since we were buying things like facial cleanser, lightbulbs, toothbrushes and other stuff that isn't usually on a discount, not bad overall.

saving, shopping, coupon, discounts

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