Book Challenge Update 2006

Apr 24, 2006 12:41

37. The Anvil of the World - Kage Baker - 350 pages. Not related to The Company series. This was a stand alone novel about a different world that had several races on it including "Children of the Sun", Yandri (who are various shades of green), and demons. The main character is a "retired" assassin trying to make his way in the world. I definitely enjoyed it.

38. Sky Coyote: A Novel of the Company - Kage Baker - 310 pages. The second book in The Company series. This one focused mostly on Joseph who was trying to whisk away a tribe of Indians into the future, and was medically altered to look like their legendary Sky Coyote. Good read. There was more insight into Botanist Mendoza and some of the other main characters too.

38 / 100 books read and 13,428 / 50,000 pages read.

reading, baker, books, book challenge

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