Called in sick today

Apr 26, 2006 15:34

Just got back from the doctors office and the pharmacy. I wasn't feeling too well over the last couple of days, and last night I went to bed early and was running a fever. I just knew that going to work would suck.

So, around 9 Am, after sleeping a few more hours after making the actual call out from work, I called the advice nurse at my doctor's clinic with all my symptoms to see if she thought it was just allergies combined with asthma or if I should come in. She called me back around 11:30 AM and said I really had to come in, and my appointment was for 1:45 PM. Due to the location of the clinic in relation to transit, I ended up getting in there 45 minutes early! That totally worked to my advantage as I had the whole appointment over and done with about 20 minutes before my actual appointment time rolled around.

Turned out my fever actually got higher overnight. Last night when I checked it, I was running 99.6 degrees and at the Docs, I was 100.2! Verdict, I have a sinus infection, but my chest is clear, and I left with a prescription for antibiotics, and two new prescriptions for inhalers for my athsma.

I have to drag myself to French Class tonight though, since I paid for it, and I'll have to be at work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get some more sleep tonight. The last couple of nights I've woken up at 3:30 and 4:30 AM!

illness, work, doctor, sick

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