Workday Update

Mar 31, 2006 16:33

Thank goodness it is Friday! The move/unpacking still takes up a bunch of time. Today I spent two hours upstairs bagging up random trash, breaking down boxes, and carting some remaining stuff down to our new digs. Monday will be our last day to move the conference room chairs down here, and get rid of anything else lurking in the corners. It's amazing just how much stuff can be left behind during a move. We're still also dealing with software issues, and problems from our new computers, as well as the fact that the printers for the network are basically located inconveniently for everyone.

I've been working on chugging through the technical services filing pile, but just find it hard to get motivated to do all the steps for it, so I've been fitting in other projects here and there. I think part of my problem is that I can be too efficient sometimes. For example I was given a billing tracking deal yesterday that I think the consultant thought would take me a couple days to pull together, and it actually only took a couple hours. That's part of the problem with being a two-degreed person working as an office drone. Copying, stapling, and filing just don't challenge me enough.

I also got an interesting page while I was upstairs. I was told to call home, but that it wasn't an emergency and everyone was OK. My Mom discovered that the trip dates we have been planning for France won't be during the time of the Christmas Markets there, so we will be shifting the actual trip. We might be doing Paris at the end instead of beginning depending on which departure date she can arrange. So I'll be leaving either December 2nd or 9th instead.

Not much planned for the weekend, except I've got to do some more picking up/cleaning around the house, because my parents will be staying with us next weekend for a family party.

trip, france, update, work

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