Saturday rundown

Apr 01, 2006 21:08

Got a bunch of housework done this morning, and headed out with A to see V for Vendetta which was totally kick ass, and incredible. And I have to admit that I cried a couple of times during the film. On the way to the theater we stopped at the bank where I deposited the $$ from A's paycheck into my account. On the way home, we stopped by Safeway, and got some stuff for dinner, and since then I've been surfing, reading emails and watching more stuff off of the TiVo. I'm really glad that Huff is starting back up tomorrow night too.

Not much else going on... we're supposed to meet up with A's sister and nephew tomorrow afternoon to go see a movie too. And of course there is yet more housework to do. More vacuuming, sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor, and probably more laundry. With my folks coming up for a family party next weekend, and most of my evenings full during the week so I've got to kick it out tomorrow.

shopping, update, movie

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