Were They Reading My Mind?

Oct 03, 2008 13:50

So, I went to Vatavian Officers' Meeting last Wednesday night with the full intention of suggesting that Their Excellencies of Vatavia step down as soon as they could. I had my reasoning all worked out: I was going to point out how burnt out they looked; how the Barony did not perceive itself as high on their list of priorities (they didn't come to the mini-event which had been billed as a starting place to rebuild the Barony); how I doubted that the Crown would let them stay in their position after Kris Kinder (although I haven't personally discussed this with Their Majesties, I was only relying on my long history and knowledge of Calontir); and how the Barony was going to work around them anyway, whether they liked it or not. You know, my usual tactful self. Right.

So what do they do? The first thing they announce is that they've sent a letter to Their Majesties (on September 22, if they're telling the truth, and I think they are), requesting to resign as the Baronage. I'd've been pissed if I hadn't been so happy for the Barony! I mean, I had notes, I had practiced my reasoning on my darling husband (poor man, he MUST love me!), I was actually a little nervous about the whole thing (my direct encounters with them in the past have not been very productive)--and they pre-empt me. Damn!

Now, the only reason I'm even discussing this on a semi-public forum like this blog is that Their Excellencies made this announcement publicly, and gave their permission to freely discuss it; so I consider the subject public domain. If it turns out I'm wrong, then the Kingdom can bop my nose, however: I hope Their Majesties and the Kingdom Seneschal allow them to step down. It would be to the Kingdom's benefit, and to Their Excellencies, too. They've been in office four years, and in my not-so-humble opinion, that is much too long. Years ago, I used to be a pretty vocal advocate for term limits on Territorial Baronages--no longer than three years. Any longer than that and you no longer have leadership, you have beef jerky. I've long referred to leading a Barony as "24/7 Cat-herding" and no one, absolutely no one can do that job for longer than three. I certainly couldn't! Of course, I've also always said that I'd rather be Queen six times in a row than be a Baroness once! Yes, I think the job is THAT hard! Perhaps I should see if I can get those discussions going again.

And it is very much to Vatavia's advantage as well. If they can step down, I think Vatavia would be able to regain its momentum as a barony. I can already see couples down here jockeying for the leadership position, and you know what? I believe that any of them would do a very good job. In spite of all of Vatavia's woes these past years, we've managed to raise a bumper crop of eager, qualified, and dedicated Calontiri who are committed to re-creating history, being a vital part of the Kingdom, and oh yeah--having fun while they're doing it! What a concept!

So, as a result, instead of feeling haggard after trying ONCE AGAIN to talk to those two; I am invigorated by the idea that my home Barony can be an exciting and fun place to be again. My household alone is bursting with ideas as to how to help, not to mention the rest of Vatavia. This next year looks to be very productive, exciting and enjoyable for my home. Imagine, a happy Vatavia! I can't wait!

sca, vatavia, fun

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