can someone please post this for webhill to see..

Apr 26, 2010 13:00

we're not friends - but I'd love for her opinion...

Last night, Shadow (will be 8 in June; is a 56 pound neutered weimaraner) was out in the yard playing fetch the tennis ball with Andy around 8pm. He was mid-sprint when he suddenly collapsed and yelped something like I've never heard before. I, being inside the house not watching, thought Andy had thrown the ball into the rose bushes and Shadow had gotten stuck. I ran out and saw Andy hovered over him in the middle of the yard (away from the rose bushes!) and then Shadow started trying to throw up. Andy tried to get him to stand up, and he dropped to the ground face first. His eyes were dilated and he didn't appear to be looking anywhere. Andy said his tongue was white-ish. I ran in to get the phone. Calling ER vet. Told them we were on our way. Andy carried Shadow to the car while I wrestled the girls into the car. I think we made it to the vet in 20 minutes. (it's about 20 miles away, and there are lots of lights on the surface streets...)

When we got there, Shadow had tried to sit up (not very successfully). He still could not stand. He alternated "favoring" each of his front legs, when we tried standing him about 30 minutes later, he would drop his head lower and arch his back. if we tried tickling his feet, we got no reaction. he never cried in pain when being carried or moved.

they did some xrays which didn't show any problems with his spine. just before we left (10PM) he did manage to stand up for a few seconds while supported, but he was still pretty arched and not stable on his own feet at all. THey wanted to keep him overnight for observation and to give him IV pain meds and some kind of muscle relaxers...i think...

We went in this morning to visit (expecting to see the same dog we left) and to our surprise, they said that he was up and walking around. he was favoring his leg with the IV Catheter in it, but otherwise, mostly walking. Today's vet came out to talk to us, said that he saw no reason to keep him there, but to bring him home for a minimum of 5 days rest - along with pain meds and muscle relaxers. Said that he suspects a pinched nerve or similar - doesn't expect a relapse, but if he does, THEN he would suggest going to a neuro for an MRI. ($$$$$!!) Shadow has feeling back in his front feet (he's ticklish again) and seems to limp just a little in the front. His back legs are acting up a little, he's got a wider stance than usual, and occasionally limps in the back as well. His back is not nearly as arched as it was when we left.

Now he's content to lay on the sofa. He usually comes to find me in the house if he knows I'm here, but he hasn't moved. I know he doesn't feel well.

My poor lil guy.

My poor credit card! :-P

vet, shadow

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