Mar 29, 2010 13:52
The girls were pretty hilarious this weekend.
I was thrilled on Friday when we went out to dinner, handed Abby the child's menu (as usual, along with the pack of crayons) and asked her if she wanted fish, shrimp or mac n cheese. She pointed to the menu, and said she "wanted F F fish, this one." and pointed to the right word. MY G*D, she's starting to read already. Ain't that cool?
On Saturday, the dialogue went something like this:
me: abby, hang on a sec, I need to read something (on the wall at her swim class)
abby: mama, why don't you say anything when you are reading?
me: (still reading)
abby: mama - are you reading IN YOUR HEAD?
Sunday morning, I had to get up super early, as I was taking Jess up to meet the pro-trainer for the next few months until she is ready to fly to Australia. Abby had a MELTDOWN. I'm pretty sure that she wanted us to keep Jess indefinitely. She even offered Maya in exchange. Poor baby. It was hard for her, but I think she's getting over it. She hasn't even talked about Jess today.
In other news, EMILY is becoming a regular "kid". As in, not a baby. This morning Andy was getting ready for work, and told Emily he needed to go get some socks. So he came in our room and got socks. (Abby and I were still "sleeping" in my bed; meaning I was awake, but not UP.) I heard Emily toddle off but I assumed she was going to torment something. NOPE. she came running back into our room, and handed Andy a pair of HER socks, that she got out of her dresser drawer. He was shocked that she could reach the drawer.... I was impressed by the whole event.
Later this morning, she picked out her own socks to wear, and her outfit to go with it. She's pretty cute, considering she doesn't MATCH.
She LOVES going to get her shoes, and knows that in order to go OUTSIDE she needs them.
Oh, and her new words are
ock (milk)
ca-kr (cracker)
aaaaabuh (abby, but of the abba spelling lol)
She's learning how to do floor rolls (with my help) and she thinks they are the most fun ever!