talk to me about rat poison

Oct 19, 2010 13:47

So apparently my ignorant neighbor put out some mouse bait (D-con) on top of our shared fence (“because I didn’t want my dogs to eat it!!” - OMG, please tell me you aren’t serious???!!!!!) and voila, it blew over into our yard, and at least one of our dogs chewed on the box. I don’t know how much was in the box. Stupid neighbor said that he split it into “several portions” to spread around the yard, so it was not a full box. I recall seeing Maya out in the yard yesterday afternoon chewing on what I thought at the time was a lemon (she’s a weird one, this lil puppy); but now that I think about it, I suspect was this YELLOW rat poison box!

Took all three dogs to the ER vet this morning ($$ cha-ching!!) and all three are now being medicated with Vitamin K for clotting repair. But the vet was absent in telling us much else other than “if any of the dogs start bleeding anywhere or have bruising, bring them right back in!” They will be on the Vit K for 14 days, then 2 days later go for a clotting test to see if all is OK. If not, will do another 2 weeks of Vit K, and repeat.

What else do we do while we wait????

I’m most concerned because MAYA ate it, and she’s our lightest one!!! (only 40 pounds)

ARGH….. Please reassure me that everything will be OK!!!

Can someone point webhill here to see this and comment?

vet, poisoning, dogs

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