Lost in a good book

Apr 24, 2013 08:50

Do you know what it's like when you get a really good book and all you want to do is read it, but life keeps getting in the way?
Cook or read? Meh, that's what they invented pizza delivery for.
Go to work or stay home and read? That's what they invented sick days for.
Watch TV or read? That's what they invented My Sky for.
Go to sleep or keep reading? Sleeps overrated.

And then you get to the end of the book and find out that it's just the first in a series. Yes! More goodness. Of course, then you get to the end of the series and the author hasn't written anymore yet (come on, what's he waiting for?). That's when the depression sets in, a sense of such loss you don't know what you're going to do next, and the days somehow seem darker because you do not have that book to dive into and lose yourself for a while. It's like your best friend, who you see every day, moves to the other side of the country, and you can't see her anymore. You've got other friends, you can talk on the phone, but it's not the same. So it is with books. I have plenty of other books, books I absolutely love, but it's not the same. I want that book. That series. Those characters.

Do you know what that's like, or is it just me?

And can you tell I'm reading a good book at the moment and really, really, don't want to be at work?
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