Name and/or LJ userID: Amanda/sixseventytwo
Wedding Date: Summer 2014
Bride/Groom/Other (please specify): Bride (with another bride!)
Age: 22
City/State/Country you live in: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
City/State/Country you're getting married in (if different):
Your song/First Dance song: Something Frank Sinatra, for sure.
Wedding Colors: Indigo/purple/blue and black
Formality: Semi
Theme (if you have one): Trying to combine relaxed Southern charm with a bit of vintage elegance :)
Number of guests: ~100
How'd you meet your fiance?: At work! I actually thought she was a huge bitch when I first met her. Our first date was going to see Shark Night 3D.
How long have you been together?: It will officially be a year on the 25th.
Do you have a personal wedding website?: Not yet
Have you read the
community rules before posting this survey and do you agree to follow them? Yes!
Anything else you'd like to tell us?: I'm just joining to gather wedding ideas, since ours is so far away, and hopefully share the unique frustrations of a gay couple in the South.