Title: A Step Too Far Author: wecrashcopters Pairing: Sherlock/John Warnings: PG-13 Disclaimer: No money being made, copyright to whoever owns it, just for fun. Summary: One of two things written for http://bluesherlockholmes.tumblr.com/. The other, a poem, can be found here.
Title: The Way It Happened Author: wecrashcopters Pairing: Sherlock/John Warnings: PG-13 Disclaimer: No money being made, copyright to whoever owns it, just for fun. Summary: One of two things written for http://bluesherlockholmes.tumblr.com/. The other, a drabble, can be found here.
Title: Sherlock's Decision Author: wecrashcopters Pairing: None Warnings: G, spoilers for The Great Game. Disclaimer: No money being made, copyright to whoever owns it, just for fun. Summary: It's time to put an end to it all.