Title: A Step Too Far
wecrashcopters Pairing: Sherlock/John
Warnings: PG-13
Disclaimer: No money being made, copyright to whoever owns it, just for fun.
Summary: One of two things written for
http://bluesherlockholmes.tumblr.com/. The other, a poem, can be found
The words caught in Sherlock's throat. John slowly drew back from Sherlock, his expression still mimicking that of a rabbit caught in the headlights.
"John, I- I thought you wanted it too, and when, when am I wrong, huh?"
No answer, just the two of them staring at each other, barely managing to breathe the suddenly treacle thick air.
"John, I said when am I wrong?!"
John started at this, Sherlock got agitated at times, and he ranted and raved, and yes, he had been known to shout, but at Anderson, at Sally, never at him...
Sherlock watched helplessly as John turned and walked towards the door of the flat.
"John?" The door opened.
"John!" John didn't walk, he sprinted down the stairs and out the door, he sprinted straight out of the door of what had been their home, and that's what Sherlock decided broke his heart the most.
"John..." It was spoken so softly even Sherlock barely heard it himself. He repeated it again and again as he sank to the floor, John's name forever on his lips, the tears forever on his cheeks and the regrets forever clawing at his heart.