Snowflake Challenge - Day 11

Jan 13, 2013 19:25

Like it says on the tin, day 11 of

In your own space, share a favorite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book) and explain why you love it so much. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman is my favourite book on the planet.

I remember when I first picked it up, I was wanting to try some Neil Gaiman novels, but I didn't want to start with anything too heavy. The premise seemed promising, so I bought it. And then devoured it not soon after. It's just such a good, funny book.

Looking at humanity through the eyes of a demon (Crowley) and an angel (Aziraphale) is quite interesting, especially because Crowkey isn't really all that bad; he thinks humans do more devilry than he ever could (and he's probably right). And I just love Aziraphale and his books and snark, it's all really just a lot of fun!

Since then I've read most of Gaiman's novels, though I've not really been able to get into Pratchett's work (I'm not sure why, it's something that confuses me). But I always return to read Good Omens, and I have a feeling I'll be re-reading it for many years to come.

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