Snowflake Challenge - Day 10

Jan 13, 2013 19:11

I've not done day 9 of
snowflake_challenge at this point. I'm not sure if I will or not, we'll see. I've never been able to create something because I've been told to, y'know? But maybe inspiration will hit!

But the other days, I can do! So here is my day 10...

In your own space, talk about a creator. Show us why you think they are amazing. It can be a detailed, thoughtful analysis, or a squeeful, joyful post. Or maybe a combination of the two. Make a recs list, link to their archives or master lists or websites, maybe create a Fanlore page for them. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I'm going to talk about _mournthewicked - there was a time when pretty much ALL I did was read this very talented lady's Reinventing Love 'verse. And then I re-read it, and honestly, looking at it now makes me want to read it all over again!

Just...if you like Supernatural RPF, and in particular Jared/Jensen, just go read it. ALL of it. GO GO GO!

Also here is a link to her masterpost of all the fanfic, also worth a look :) A vast majority of it is Supernatural related.

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online: snowflake challenge

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