Snowflake Challenge - Day 8

Jan 08, 2013 15:09

snowflake_challenge time again, woo! I'm home early today with a sinus headache...the air conditioning at work really screws me up sometimes :( much better than I was when I left though. So that's good!

In your own space, talk about setting yourself a fannish goal. Big or small, it doesn't matter. Some examples: complete a bingo, sign up for a Big Bang, write that fic you've been thinking about for years, podfic that story that you love, make a fanmix for your fandom, post that bit of meta or reclist you keep putting off. Maybe resolve to be better at leaving feedback or answering comments. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I want to sign up for SPN/J2 Big Bang again and complete it this year. I have done it once, but I would like to do it again; especially since the plot in my head has been there for the past two years and the start I have is, imo, not too shabby.

I'd also like to finish NaNoWriMo but that probably won't be fandom related...I think. I've failed three years in a row (I start okay, and it's all downhill from there!) this year, I intend to start planning in May. Hah we'll see how that goes.

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online: snowflake challenge

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