Snowflake Challenge - Day 7

Jan 07, 2013 20:07

snowflake_challenge is a bit difficult...

In your own space, share something non-fannish about yourself. A passion or a hobby or a talent, something that people might not know about you. We are more than just our fandoms. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I read a lot. I think I would go insane without books and my kindle. Audiobooks aren't really my thing but if I go blind before I go deaf (I think my ears will be the first to go, considering how I can't hear properly *now* lol) I would listen to them :) My Grandpa does, he really enjoys them, and they keep his mind active. I hope I'm as sharp as he is, if I get to 90!

And that, is what we call a tangent (I'm good at going off on those too).

I also bake. I'm pretty good at the baking thing, even though I can't cook proper food. But who needs proper food when there is cake? And cookies? And slices? And my granola which I insist on making myself because store bought stuff is gross and not tasty. Also bread. I love to bake bread, and I make a pretty awesome pizza base too *g*

However, I would like to be good at crochet (I'm trying to teach myself, I think the break I've taken from it has been a year long so far, I'm getting there). I'd also like to be good at sewing. Again, because unlike baking, results aren't immediate, I get disheartened and give up. I'll get there eventually. I have a lot of yarn and felt to turn into things.

I would like to live in a self sufficient house one day. Veggie garden, solar power, solar heating, that sort of thing. Only problem is I'm really horribly bad at gardening, and I'm not sure I could live without my extensive dvd collection. So maybe...mostly self sufficient lol

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online: snowflake challenge

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