Snowflake Challenge - Day 6

Jan 06, 2013 13:44

Day 3 and day 5 didn't require entries on my part, which is why it seems like I'm skipping days, but I have done them :D

Now on to day 6 of

In your own space, pimp three comms or challenges and explain why you love them. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

1. spn-j2-bigbang (there is no mirror on DW) my very first big bang, though not in my first fandom. I look forward to this challenge every year, though I have only completed it once. SPN itself may be a bit iffy in quality, but fandom always pulls off a great big bang challenge, and there are always some wonderful fics to come out of it. Their site looks a bit weird at the moment, I assume as the account has been downgraded so the layout went loopy.

2. bakebakebake (there is no mirror on DW) I know. This is a fandom challenge, but to me, baking may as well be a fandom. I read about it as much as I read fanfic! I love to bake, and this community is where I get a lot of my recipes from (particularly when I was stuck with that gluten free diet for a while). There's lots of great recipes for any taste, mostly of the baked goods variety (there are some proper meals, but those are few and far between).

3. eames-arthur and
arthur_eames on DW. I know Inception isn't exactly a new movie, and though the fandom has died down considerably over the past year or so, there are still some great fics being produced, and a bunch of older fics that are just as good as they were the first time around. This is the pairing I read when I can't think of anything else to do, or I'm bored with other fandoms in general. I think I'll always return to Inception, and in particular Arthur and Eames fic. There's just something special about that pairing.

4. crack-van (there is no mirror on DW). Okay. Since I ignored the rules and pimped a baking community, have another fandom one. Crack Van is awesome. Don't know what to read? Go here. There's many, many fandoms to choose from, and all of the fics recced are awesome. If you're just starting out in a fandom it is useful too, to find some great fic to get you going.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment at the site of your choice.

online: snowflake challenge, fandom: recs

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