Financial aggravations and future plans...

Apr 11, 2006 21:49

Fuck you, overactive female hormones. You can all just stfu and go away now, kthxbye. >.<

I've been nominated for PR/Rush Chair of APO, HAHA YEAH RIGHT. Why do people think I have time for this stuff? Because I don't, and they know that, and I'm not going to do it even if I am currently the only nom. My chapter is ridiculous. :)

Omgwtf, why am I almost broke again? I'm almost out of food, too, so I'm going to have to accumulate more debt on my stupid bloody credit card... I fail at managing my life. :\ For my own financial security and personal sanity, I'm going to have to find a job for summer--preferably one that won't cause me huge amounts of stress, will let me use my particular skills, and will allow me to take off one or two random weeks without any problems. There aren't any jobs like that, are there? Sigh. I've applied to a temp agency, anyway, so maybe they'll take me this year.

Unless there's an office somewhere on campus that would put up with me just for the summer and would let me take off for vacation? (Because I have to plan for it, in the event that we actually manage to get our shit together in time. :D) That would be ideal, really, except for the 20-minute commute. My job doesn't extend over breaks, unfortunately, but I know there are some departments that stay open... hmm... must investigate.

Speaking of money and the lack of such, I have to remember to go and get paid for the stake sign copies I made back in March. SMU people, anyone know what the deadline is for requesting appropriated funds? It wasn't something ridiculous like yesterday, was it? Why don't I have this information? And Spectrum apparently has to pay the Women's Center for all of our copies for this year, and I have no idea where that money comes from, or what I do to get it... argh. No more managing other people's funds for me, plzkthx.

How did it get to be almost 10 pm? I have lots and lots of reading to do before tomorrow. Later!

personal: work, school: apo is a real fraternity, school: misc

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