Several things...

Apr 13, 2006 23:58

Thursday nights are love. Especially when there is no school on Friday. I just thought I would say that.

The full moon was so beautiful as we watched it rise over the trees tonight. Truly a divinely inspired moment. *_*

I have to get a new credit card because mine has been frozen for fraudulent activity--in freaking BROOKLYN, no less. So I have even less money than I did before, since I don't have that as an "emergency funds" option until the bank can get off their asses to send me a new card. I can't even see how they got my information, since I've hardly used the damn thing in months. :(

I'd forgotten about this song until after I got home tonight... I was checking my flist and saw it listed somewhere, and when I read the title, it made me crack up laughing. I guess we've found the answer to the age-old question? (No, I don't expect most of you to understand why that is funny, just trust that it is.)

You know, a good part of the time, my life completely rocks.

ETA (12:23 am): OH YEAH - our protest made the front page of the Daily Campus today, above the fold and everything. WE RULE THE WORLD.

friends: general, misc: random

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