Semester crunch time...

Apr 10, 2006 22:00

16 15(!!) days of class left, WTF. I have no idea where the semester went.

I think I'm going to try to sit up all night tonight and read UNTIL MY EYES FALL OUT. >.< By tomorrow, I need to have finished Evelina (which I've sort of started) for 18th Century. By Wednesday, I need to finish a couple of other books and start A Wrinkle In Time for my children's lit class. There's a book I need to read by next Monday for dakotawitch's class, and I've just checked out several books on paganism/witchcraft for project reference (and also to resume trying to get myself as well-versed in my craft as possible--hey, I'm not ashamed to admit my ulterior motives). And there's still all the poetry books I'm supposed to read and write short reviews of... speaking of which, can anyone recommend some good ones? That would be awesome. :)

Oh, and not to mention I have to finish that other book that's hiding in my drawer and get it back to its owner before finals are over, since I can't take it home with me. Rawr. I hate all this sneaking around, but it must be done for the time being.

So. Yes. Off to go make my brain explode. Later!

misc: random, personal: religion, school: misc

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