I am sure I mentioned this in the previous post, but I have been making more cupcake bases. The reason why is beacuse I ordered some fuwa icing on etsy, and I wanted to get the bases and the painting and toppings done before they arrive, so that I can make them as quickly as possible! Since I already have the pink, I ordered the white, blue, green, yellow and chocolate coloured fuwa icing, and all I have to do now is wait for it to arrive ^_^
But anyway, in the meantime, I sliced some canes for the toppings of the cupcakes:
In total I sliced 600 slices off various canes. Heh, I got a bit sick of slicing things so thin after a bit, but it's all done at least! Here are some cupcake bases drying:
I finished off my Crayola Air Dry Clay tub with this batch, and needed to go out and buy more. At first I could only find the brown Crayola Air Dry Clay, which I didn't want since it may mean more layers for the white base coat, but a few days later they had the white one again in Spotlight ^_^ I finished the blue and green cupcakes first:
I quite like the blue ones, maybe because the stripes contrast more than the green ones.
You can't see it very well in the picture, but the dark green stipes on the green cupcakes are actually are shade darker. Hmm...my camera isn't very accurate, I really should take these pictures in the day time in full sunlight, but I tend to finish making things at night.
And then I made more cupcake bases with the new tub of clay I bought, I made enough for the other colours.